At the request of his sister who lived in that city, Charles Dickens came up from London to speak to an audience at the financially imperiled Manchester Athenaeum, which had a “library of 6,000 volumes, classes for the study of languages, elocution, and music, exercise facilities; and regular programs of lectures and debate” supported only by the donations of those who had pooled their resources to better themselves and their society. “‘A season of depression almost without parallel ensued,” he told his audience, “and large numbers of young men … suddenly found their occupation gone and themselves reduced to very straitened and penurious circumstances.’”
He ended his speech with soaring words. “The more a man learns, Dickens said, ‘the better, gentler, kinder man he must become. When he knows how much great minds have suffered for the truth in every age and time … he will become more tolerant of other men’s belief in all matters‘” and long after institutions such as this one are gone “the noble harvest in the seed sown in them will shine out brightly in the wisdom, the mercy, and the forbearance of [others]” To add to my delight Standiford goes on the describe how Andrew Carnegie later took these ideals to America to fund the building of over 3,000 public libraries so that others could follow suit.
“And so, as he walked the streets that night" the author tells us, "a new story began to form.” Dickens returned to London and, as a friend’s letter stated, “’a strange mastery it seized him.’ He wept over it, laughed and then wept again, as bits and pieces swam up before him, including the vision of two children named Ignorance and Want …Tiny Tim and Bob Cratchit and Scrooge and Marley and all the rest, stamp themselves on Dickens’s imagination and that of the world forever.”