It then got me to thinking about whether there are any such tours in and around the LA area. And indeed, there are. I searched around Google and came up with two recent articles that discuss several tours that are available for the literary-minded. Esotouric will take you into the "secret heart of LA" as seen through the eyes of writers like Raymond Chandler, John Fante, Charles Bukowski, and Reyner Banham. Most of the tours are actually bus tours with a bit of walking thrown in on a few of them. But hey, this is LA--does anyone actually walk here?
The article from the LA Times is here. An article from the travel blog World Hum is here.
Want to read and discuss a book before you go on a tour? Check out the blog nobodyreadsinla. According to their blog, Nobody Reads in LA is a loose-knit group of individuals striving to create a stronger cultural, literary and historical sense of downtown Los Angeles.
Of course you can always stop in into the library as well. We have all the modern classics by the authors mentioned above plus much more. Put on your walking shoes and get going!
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