This Week in Reading March 23 - 29
This week is good for theatre buffs. On the weekend we just had the birthdays of Stephen Sondheim and Andrew Lloyd Webber, but during the week we also get the superb dramatist Tennessee Williams and Nobel prizewinning Italian playwright Dario Fo, as well as three from the first half of the twentieth century, Maxim Gorky, Howard Lindsay and Budd Schulberg. And to top it off we even get Eric Idle, whose Spamalot is the current muscial favorite of many theatre fans. (Too bad Angelenos have to go to Las Vegas or New York to see it, so far.) Next Sunday it's Irish playwright Sean O'Casey.This Week's Question: Maxim Gorky, one of this week's authors, is known as the progenitor of the literary and arts movement called Social Realism, but which other one said the following to counter earlier critics who preferred Romanticism? "To represent a bad thing in its least offensive light, is doubtless the most agreeable course for a writer of fiction to pursue; but is it the most honest, or the safest?" Answer to Last Week's Question: We asked you to fill out the survey on the library's home page to help the website committee figure out how to improve the website. We hope you told them how you enjoy reading the blog and submitted suggestions for them for how we might improve this part of the Glendale Public Library's online offerings, too. It's not too late. It's still there. Thanks.
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